Sting in a sentence as a noun

The \nfrog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?

That's going to sting for any one with an ounce of pride.

They wail as the tide claims it, feeling the sting of failure.

If you insist on having your own place, then yeah it's probably going to sting.

Parts of it sting, but I feel better if I focus on the parts that don't apply to me.

So by its very nature, a sting like this one produces perverse outcomes.

Its the sting come to life.- The data based approach to cheating detection.

" The scorpion \nsays, "Because if I do, I will die too."The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,\nthe scorpion stings the frog.

I poked my head over...Did you know that some stenches can be so intense that they actually have wet vapor and can sting your eyes?

Sting in a sentence as a verb

Some will make your eyes sting painfully if it gets in it, some less so. granted, if you only take say 2-3 major US brands into account, your observation is not too far off base.

The whole room fills with smoke, to the point that eyes sting and its hard to breathe, and the smoke noticeably impacts visibility.

" Giant brainless animals roam the ocean looking to sting and absorb prey without ever really knowing they're even doing it.

The reason mj forums don't want people arranging meetups probably has more to do with not creating an easy venue for sting operations.

Maybe women leading startups face problems that are not best addressed by "Find other ways to get support, then keep moving" and "not living in the sting" and "amplifying your problems".

What the incident boils down to, then, is a horrible embarrassment for the music industry execs involved and, at the level, it does carry a sting.

It legitimizes such behavior for some people who are not very privacy conscious and it really takes out the sting from the gravity of such incidents.

Then the FBI spins up an elaborate sting to essentially entrap the radicalized individual into committing to some sort of attack, often providing fake bombs in the process.

Sting definitions


a kind of pain; something as sudden and painful as being stung; "the sting of death"; "he felt the stinging of nettles"

See also: stinging


a mental pain or distress; "a pang of conscience"

See also: pang


a painful wound caused by the thrust of an insect's stinger into skin

See also: bite


a swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property


cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort; "The sun burned his face"

See also: bite burn


deliver a sting to; "A bee stung my arm yesterday"

See also: bite prick


saddle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous; "They stuck me with the dinner bill"; "I was stung with a huge tax bill"

See also: stick


cause a stinging pain; "The needle pricked his skin"

See also: prick twinge


cause an emotional pain, as if by stinging; "His remark stung her"