Sternly in a sentence as an adverb

Torvalds swears in kernel chat, unrelated devs frown sternly, sun rises in the east, tides happen twice a day...

Try getting sternly lectured for 10 minutes because because you held the door open for a stranger to be polite.

I was stopped by the Polizei once and he sternly informed me that I needed a rearview mirror - I told him I did: it was in the back seat.

When I ignore their instructions and start signing the area that requests a consultation they sternly tell me I'm signing in the wrong place.

Their first step is to send you a sternly worded email, explaining that for this usage level you need plan X, and if you don't upgrade within... let's say 5, maybe 7 days?

I was going to sternly object, and then I remembered how a friend deleted me on facebook because I liked a certain politician.

We have this for microwaves today, and even though popcorn bags sternly warn "Do not use the popcorn button", the popcorn button works just about every time.

I can't help but be reminded of this:A novice was trying to fix a broken Lisp machine by turning the power off and on. Knight, seeing what the student was doing, spoke sternly: "You cannot fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no understanding of what is going wrong.

I think it's kind of amusing that right after sternly warning the reader to avoid monad tutorials, he then proceeds to write a monad tutorial.

If you intentionally overbill a man so that he must work an extra year worst case scenario you... send a sternly written letter and pay them the original amount?

He'll send them a sternly written letter, which is going to say a variant of "You can make this go away cheaply or you can fight it in court if you have a lot of confidence in how airtight your paper is.

Soon enough I got called into a meeting with the company president and an HR person and was sternly told that if I didn't start showing up at 9am straight that I would be let go. I tried to argue that the hours don't really matter for creative work and was told "Don't try to make this company into something it's not".Some places are completely ****** up and beyond toxic.

I still think of this one whenever some lab apparatus starts working after an expert walks in and fiddles with some wires or power-cycles it -- A novice was trying to fix a broken lisp machine by turning the power off and on. \n Knight, seeing what the student was doing, spoke sternly - \n "You can not fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no understanding \n of what is going wrong.

This one is my favourite: A novice was trying to fix a broken Lisp machine by turning the power off and on.\n Knight, seeing what the student was doing, spoke sternly: "You cannot fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no understanding of what is going wrong.

Sternly definitions


with sternness; in a severe manner; "`No,' she said sternly"; "peered severely over her glasses"

See also: severely