Stereotypical in a sentence as an adjective

A lot of those guys were stereotypical crazed geniuses, it's fun to see their work carrying forward.

Users on HN often did not simply fall in line behind the stereotypical camps that feed on this kind of issueOh god, they do.

It's like a stereotypical town thought to exist in the backwoods of Arkansas, but it's real, slavery is still legal, and it's part of the US.

" What happens, subconsciously, is that the stereotypical asian profile is "high scoring, high gpa, piano/violin, tennis, math/science.

A stereotypical "foiled terrorist plot" begins with a radicalized individual who somehow comes to the attention of the authorities.

While there are a couple of things in there that annoy me about Ruby, the list basically feels like a stereotypical American pointing at a stereotypical Frenchman and saying, "Look at that French guy.

But to your stereotypical business sociopath only executive-level individuals and their cronies are real human beings.

Why would they portray us in the movie as Dylan for Jobs and Beatles for me?It's sad that besides being underappreciated for engineering feats that are, even today, awe-inspiring, Woz is often thought of as the stereotypical nerd with no interests outside of tech.

Stereotypical definitions


lacking spontaneity or originality or individuality; "stereotyped phrases of condolence"; "even his profanity was unimaginative"

See also: stereotyped stereotypic unimaginative