Statistician in a sentence as a noun

I mean, the whole point is that it's a very famous statistician, not just another blogger ranting.

I'm not a statistician, but that methodology is about as dubious as it gets.

At the risk of sounding like a nitpicker, as a statistician, I'll have to comment on the methodology.

The results were also discussed by a statistician not involved with the trial directly.

For anyone who would wish to view man as a reasonable intuitive statistician such results are discouraging.

", in which case the answer is available to Paypal's Hadoop cluster but plausibly "Yes, with a p value which would make a statistician weep.

"Rather than hire one of these rare and expensive people, why couldn't a business hire a statistician and a couple of computer science people and have them work as a team?

Instead of thinking of him as a statistician who works for a newspaper, think of him as a statistically-minded journalist.

A more cynical definition would add "... and who is worse at statistics than any statistician and worse at software engineering than any software engineer.

Typically researchers develop their own methods for weighting samples in the temperature reconstructions and many of these methods would make a statistician cringe.

If you want to predict something, especially something numerical, an ethnographer would generally say that you're asking the wrong person for that prediction, and should go ask a statistician.

Statistician definitions


a mathematician who specializes in statistics


someone versed in the collection and interpretation of numerical data (especially someone who uses statistics to calculate insurance premiums)

See also: actuary