Statics in a sentence as a noun

Turns out, this is not the case in JVM, due to how statics are initialized.

If you have a class full of statics, it functionally becomes a unique namespace.

I know and every regular readers of HN knows, it's my point.\nPi can serve statics, ok, we all already know it, what's the news?

That is, it is entirely possible to implement a Python that does not have process-level globals and C statics.

Instead, you deal at a more fundamental level with courses such as physics, calculus, statics and dynamics, heat transfer, thermodynamics, material sciences, etc.

Feynman goes over the special cases in a way that you never forget that they're in the end incorrect simplifications, there's even a table at the end of the statics section showing "These equations are false, these are true in general.

One of the things I love about it is that it starts with Maxwell's equations, in their non-simplified form, then goes into the special cases of electrostatics, magnetostatics, and then uniting them into electrodynamics.

Its just assumed you'll get your statics and dynamics correct and all that basic stuff, the actual brain power burned on the job is designing stuff that actually works 1M times and tolerates every component being 5% off the exact value or whatever.

For embedded systems with a focus on stability I want candidates who have a very good grasp of the fundamentals like the difference between normal globals, statics, volatile, etc. Also I'd like people who understand enough about the linker to know about data segments, zero init and stuff like that.

Statics definitions


the branch of mechanics concerned with forces in equilibrium