Stalker in a sentence as a noun

You become a buly, a stalker, a heckler, you name it.

My stalker would send my mistress flowers for her birthday.

I think it's far more likely that that was posted by a troll or by the stalker than by her...

So now I never view people's profiles because I don't want to look like a stalker.

I was on OKCupid for a few weeks and paid the $10 for the creepy stalker upgrade.

"If there is any chance that Rachel will receive spam from a stalker on her project, she should not create one."WTF.

Therefore if you are being stalked and can avoid letting the stalker know how you feel about it, do that.

A personal assistant takes care of the kinds of tasks you tell him or her to handle; a stalker does things he or she thinks you want.

Some films, especially stalker, are near black and white with incredibly vibrant and poignant uses of green.

You forgot "creepy stalker", you closed-minded male chauvinist ape.

And every public piece of data on Facebook is available to every frat rat and creepy stalker on the planet.

I believe that's the core issue today, where most information isn't collected by some creepy stalker, but by web services, governments and card readers.

I haven't used Microsoft Cortana, so I'm not sure if it's any good, but they reportedly get one thing Google completely misses: people want a personal assistant, not a creepy stalker.

It is very, very hard for anyone other than a psychiatrist to get someone committed to an institution until after the stalker has committed a conventional crime.

Stalker definitions


someone who walks with long stiff strides


someone who stalks game


someone who prowls or sneaks about; usually with unlawful intentions

See also: prowler sneak