Squall in a sentence as a noun

I got caught in a squall on Exmoor today and soaked through.

It's those forecast that call for light rain and you get a nice fun snow squall.

For all one knows that demon is simply the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention.

In snowy climates, a simple snow squall is something to talk about, but not stop you.

Squall in a sentence as a verb

Now I don't go spearfishing if there is even the remotest possibility that a squall line could whip up.

Having some talentless tart squall into an auto tuner to a cliched catchy melody is cheap.

If they had encountered a normal squall it is doubtful they would have been in trouble but they ran straight into a CAT3 hurricane which if you have experienced on land you know its not even remotely sane to be out in it.

Here's one paragraph:> In Toronto, Sidewalk sketches out a picture of a neighborhood where intelligent “pay-as-you-throw” garbage chutes separate out recyclables and charge households by waste output; where hyperlocal weather sensors could detect a coming squall and heat up a snow-melting sidewalk.

Squall definitions


sudden violent winds; often accompanied by precipitation


make high-pitched, whiney noises

See also: waul wawl


utter a sudden loud cry; "she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle"; "I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me"

See also: shout call yell scream holler hollo


blow in a squall; "When it squalls, a prudent sailor reefs his sails"