Sportive in a sentence as an adjective

Like you would shake your arms and legs between sportive excercises.

They might make you obese, but on the other hand, if you might live a sportive life just to suddenly die of a heart attack.

On the other hand, he had clear social deficiencies and was not very sportive, so there are plenty of things he could learn from me.

That was my thinking too, that being said, i would be much further in my sportive efforts if i would have taken the slow and steady approach.

Is there any special significance to the Collatz function, besides the sportive aspect of the Collatz conjecture being difficult to prove?

Sportive definitions


relating to or interested in sports


given to merry frolicking; "frolicsome students celebrated their graduation with parties and practical jokes"

See also: coltish frolicsome frolicky rollicking