Spelunk in a sentence as a verb

> people will use it because they need toI don't know what I would do without google to spelunk into technical problems.

I still have it on my todo list to hunt up some of Meyer’s writing and spelunk for lost wisdom, but not for the language itself.

Depending on what you intend to do, you could do a lot worse than spelunk in the codebase of something like JQuery or YUI.

'Course, I was young enough back then that the idea that there were servers with stuff I could download made it fun enough to do it, and spelunk around the FTP site.

" On the other hand, if I'm dealing with a computer, I usually have to spelunk through this labyrinth where no direction clearly leads to what I want.

> but it's no problem if I want to just spelunk in ancient dwarves ruins for a few months insteadAnd that's exactly why I loved it haha, but I do understand the grievance with it

From what I understand, you need to go one further and spelunk through your local machine certificate stores and remove any Superfish certificates.

It's a great way to skip a lot of UI work or even for someone with business savvy but no official programming skill to get directly into their database and spelunk around.

Odds are that that person is going to be you & by the time you come back to the code you've have forgotten all about it and be forced to spelunk through the commit history in order to work out what on earth you were doing.

They could copy it somewhere, but if you're not going to take contributions then why bother?Also, their code explorer is far and away better than trying to spelunk through a Git repository looking for that one file you want to read.

Spelunk definitions


explore natural caves

See also: cave