Speculum in a sentence as a noun

The word "refactoring" to software managers has the same ring as "prostate exam" or "speculum" to the rest of us.

Exam-less options are a godsend for anyone who cannot handle their first experience being with a speculum, or who need more time working through trust or intimacy issues.

Well, the picture of the 3D-printed speculum should make it clear enough... well, unless you've never seen one...I'm mostly alarmed at the idea of DIY gynecological services.

In the process of opening things up with the speculum and shoving that toothbrush up to my cervix, the doc cut me with the metal speculum, thereby turning a stupid unnecessary appointment for a maintenance med into a traumatic bleeding-all-over fiasco.

Speculum definitions


a mirror (especially one made of polished metal) for use in an optical instrument


a medical instrument for dilating a bodily passage or cavity in order to examine the interior