Specie in a sentence as a noun

Why does god invent bunch of new species in the first place?

How would the loss of one specie of fish affect the "lives of millions or billions of people"?

Do new species suddenly pop into existence from nothing by god?

And, after all, if you are around forty and not hungry you are a huge success by the standards of the specie.

But here's this bloody idea of a specie-based currency popping up again all over.

Do god specifically implant new species into the womb of a surrogate specie?

By this means we shall stop the drain of specie, we shall start the wood-chopping business, and open to our workmen a new source of labor and wages.

They are just a sub-specie of human beings who happen to have the audacity and lack of moral fiber to exploit other people.

Couple of points:in english usage 'human race' generally equates to 'human species'the singular is 'species' with an 's'.

I love children, but as a specie, we've secured our dominant position on this planet a long time ago. There's over 7 billion of us now. If children isn't your thing, why bring some into the world, and risk neglecting them?

Why not modify the environment to suit the species rather than modify species to suit the environment?

There are cases of feral children that have shown, rather nearly confirmed, presence of feelings and thorough bred communication between two animals of the same specie, or inter-specie as well.

> If wiping out a single specie provides enough economic value to save every other specie from their current path to extinctionAre you suggesting we wipe humans out?

"Speculative lending practices in western states, a sharp decline in cotton prices, a collapsing land bubble, international specie flows, and restrictive lending policies in Great Britain were all to blame.

If wiping out a single specie provides enough economic value to save every other specie from their current path to extinction then it is still in the interest of environmental conservation to do so.

Then some guys come and say that some specie of triton is living there and might be disturbed, and the project is cancelled, and the factory guy must build another factory far away, and it's an headache, and he gets some "compensation" from the local administration, which is just people's tax money.

Specie definitions


coins collectively

See also: coinage mintage