Specialize in a sentence as a verb

We specialize in timekeeping software for NYC area cities.

[1] I actually specialize in freelancing for startups and small businesses.

There are a lot of people that specialize in helping people in this regard, but I can't think of a site that is specifically for the purpose I'm speaking of.

Dice believes that developers are worrying that if they specialize in .NET development, they wont be able to branch out to other platforms.

Your job is to produce surplus value for your employer in exchange for reduced risk and possibly to specialize into work you find interesting.

It was particularly distressing to hear about the payroll tax issues, given that YC has funded excellent companies that specialize in accounting and payroll for small businesses, such as Indinero and Zenpayroll.

How many new Khan Academies would we have if the incentives were right to have talented people working on useful projects instead of the financial arms race?Sure, the incentives are right for an individual or country to specialize in financial markets.

Moreover, elementary mathematics teachers tend to specialize in teaching mathematics while other elementary teachers teach other subjects, at much younger ages than when United States pupils typically encounter specialist teachers.

Specialize definitions


become more focus on an area of activity or field of study; "She specializes in Near Eastern history"

See also: specialise narrow


be specific about; "Could you please specify your criticism of my paper?"

See also: specify particularize particularise specialise


suit to a special purpose; "specialize one's research"; "this kind of beak has become specialized in certain Galapagos finches"

See also: specialise


devote oneself to a special area of work; "She specializes in honey bees"; "This baker specializes in French bread"

See also: specialise


evolve so as to lead to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment

See also: speciate differentiate specialise