Sparing in a sentence as an adjective

And here I was, sparing you my snark.

* No semicolons, sparing use of exclamation points at the end of comments only.

That's what's given to lots of very obese patients in protein-sparing modified fasts.

But,author never mentioned why he changed so much and became ruthless...not even sparing his teachers family.

I agree it's important not to tar the latter of your two cases with the brush reserved for the former, but that doesn't mean sparing them entirely.

If your main purpose for using tmux is sparing resources, then sure, but I think most people use tmux for session management, persistence and multiplexing.

Your capacity will definitely improve when you start taking yourself seriously and stop generously sparing yourself the chores.

> they move on to other jobs.... with their CVs exposing the fuckups as accomplishments: "Successfully managed a cost cutting campaign, sparing the company 2 bazillions in IT costs".

Take for example "Members of the Los Angeles teachers union voted overwhelmingly to approve a temporary salary reduction in exchange for sparing thousands of jobs, the union announced Saturday.

"There are many cases where explaining things is better, and a well-crafted explanation with a few sparing examples is often the best way to communicate an idea — but there are some cases where a particular example is clearer than any explanation could hope to be.

Sparing definitions


avoiding waste; "an economical meal"; "an economical shopper"; "a frugal farmer"; "a frugal lunch"; "a sparing father and a spending son"; "sparing in their use of heat and light"; "stinting in bestowing gifts"; "thrifty because they remember the great Depression"; "`scotch' is used only informally"

See also: economical frugal scotch stinting