Solitude in a sentence as a noun

But once you start building, you take your piece of the structure and go build it in solitude.

That is what art gives us--a medium through which we can bridge the solitude of existence and touch another being.

By the way, this is extremely dangerous - to paraphrase Nietzsche: in solitude, whatever you bring with you grows.

It's not about solitude so much as the ability to control the contents and direction of our thoughts.

I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.

The mind is sharper and keener in seclusion and uninterrupted solitude.

People differ greatly in their appetite for social interactions vs. solitude.

Any equal number of "greatest" achievements have come from a individuals working persistently in solitude, in humble settings.

It's been my experience that people who use terms like these to describe their solitude don't actually really enjoy it much at all and tend to only seek this alone time as a manifestation of an avoidant personality.

Good that you recognized that you don't naturally build social networks- As my business has grown it forced me out to meet so many people that now I have reserved entire days to be back in my private office working alone- hoping I can tap into the creativity that comes from solitude.

Solitude definitions


a state of social isolation

See also: purdah


the state or situation of being alone


a solitary place