Solfege in a sentence as a noun

With shape notes, the "Do" in solfege is always the same symbol, regardless of the key signature.

The Janko system would work very well with solmization, as opposed to the usual kind of solfege.

"A few years of training", "playing every scale and chord progressions", and "solfege training" is "not a big deal"?What would be a "big deal" then?

The Wikipedia article on solmization says it's just the process of naming notes with syllables and that solfege is the most common form of it.

>A few years of playing every scale and chord progressions in every key back when I was 10 years old, and solfege training with "movable do" and now I can play anything in any key.

A few years of playing every scale and chord progressions in every key back when I was 10 years old, and solfege training with "movable do" and now I can play anything in any key.

Solfege definitions


singing using solfa syllables to denote the notes of the scale of C major

See also: solmization solfeggio


a voice exercise; singing scales or runs to the same syllable

See also: solfeggio