Soap in a sentence as a noun

I saw the old ad campaigns for soap.

She complained of a soapy taste in the food.

I stopped using soap in the shower, and shampoo in my hair.

Pity the poor guy whose bar of soap is the size and shape of a Samsung Galaxy Note.

If you have ever washed a car in the cold, you know that you need more than a ******* soap sprayer and a sponge.

I'd rather have people take an interest in my current work than make a huge soap opera out of this.

Soap in a sentence as a verb

The whole tech scene in SF has turned into such a little soap opera, cult of personality, wank fest.

The low level radioactivity was easily removed from affected personnel by washing with soap and water.

They seemed to suck in a lot of attention with their soap opera ********, and then take all the negative part of that attention for themselves, leaving the startups with some positive attention.

"“How can you tell what type of cellphone an inmate uses,” he asked, “based on what’s in his cell?” He let me think for about two seconds before cheerily giving me the answer: you examine the bar of soap on the prisoner’s sink.

" I posit that it's better than not bonding at all, but if you really want to dismiss my friendships and suggest the only way to forge lifetime male bonding is to form an underground anarchist militia and make bombs out of soap, I'll take that under consideration.

Fear of mundane things giving you cancer; existential fear about the economy, which many of us don't even understand and as individuals, have no control over; fear of walking the streets alone at night; fear of getting sick if we don't use antibacterial soap after each bathroom trip.

Soap definitions


a cleansing agent made from the salts of vegetable or animal fats


money offered as a bribe


street names for gamma hydroxybutyrate

See also: scoop goop


rub soap all over, usually with the purpose of cleaning

See also: lather