Snipe in a sentence as a noun

Frankly, that seems like a very weird snipe.

In general so do I, but in this case the initial reply was a content free snipe.

Maybe rescue some hostages, scout and snipe terrorists every now and then and maybe stab a chicken or two.

Meaning, can you show hard data that backs up the assertions on how people buy, etc.?I am not trying to snipe you or the site.

Snipe in a sentence as a verb

You snipe my engineer, I snipe your engineer, same net engineer count, but loss of experience.

If you want to auction snipe, you should be subject to these risk factors - not get a do-over if your snipe was unsuccessful.

Discovery?The article is a shallow snipe; the real issues here are hard, interesting, and unexplored by this piece.

Today's Hacker News is a place where users want to snipe at other users and find negative aspects to anything thing submitted.

Snipe definitions


Old or New World straight-billed game bird of the sandpiper family; of marshy areas; similar to the woodcocks


a gunshot from a concealed location


hunt or shoot snipe


aim and shoot with great precision

See also: sharpshoot


attack in speech or writing; "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker"

See also: attack round assail assault