Sneering in a sentence as an adjective

Sigh, sneering and snark and also downvotes on my GP comment.

And the last goddam thing I needed was some ******* sneering about how much worse it could be.

I thought HN and seasoned OSS developers were above this kind of petty name calling and sneering.

Almost all of them will gain something out of trying, the only people who dont gain anything are the ones sneering from the sidelines.

There might be hostility and sneering between those groups, but what does it matter to you?It feels like the horrible mindset of sports fans, just within nerd circles.

I think Quora would have been great as a lifestyle business [insert appropriate sneering as necessary.

Stand up on mass, digitally and in person, for what you believe in - don't shy from people sneering or judging that you are distrustful of the existing structures of powers.

The users had to wear goggles and were always picking bugs out of their teeth while Apple owners sped along in hermetically sealed comfort, sneering out the windows.

There is a lot of culture around hiring good engineers and sneering at management, but it seems to me that hiring good managers is an order of magnitude more important.

Marco Arment enters a Microsoft store beady-eyed, looking for things to nitpick, sneering at everything, seeing the negative side of everything.

I still prefer to let Rhinehart treat himself as a guinea pig, but it's hard to remember this when I see such sneering idiotic contempt & rhetoric passing for informed commentary.

France, Portugal, Spain, and Italy -- countries with tremendous "pride of place" and a sometimes sneering disdain for the US -- denied airspace to a foreign head of state on the mere suspicion that Edward Snowden was on board.

I like particularly the sneering attitude of superiority towards the initial immigration officer in this article.

There for he must be suggesting the "liberals" alone are likely to try to rewrite history, because, you know, the right would never do such a thing...From here in the UK, Americans sneering the word liberal is a give away for a right wing nut job.

Sneering definitions


expressive of contempt; "curled his lip in a supercilious smile"; "spoke in a sneering jeering manner"; "makes many a sharp comparison but never a mean or snide one"

See also: supercilious snide