Smelly in a sentence as an adjective

You know whats a smelly thing in OOP ?

It's a big smelly, smoldering pile of ****.

Mostly by drunk, smelly guys, and then proceeds to tell me how much it sucks.

Sure they wear smelly stuff some days, but nobody likes to smell bad, even kids.

As soon as Broder published the first report I warned you guys here about how smelly that was.

I hate filling it up with gas, which is expensive, smelly, and bad for the environment.

Food is poisonous, air is unbreathable, rivers are smelly.

This is getting ridiculous" ifs are a smelly thing in a Object Oriented language.

I never realized how dirty the water was until I saw it, or how smelly the garbage was until I went to the dump.

My first impressions of San Francisco were quite opposite of yours -- it was ugly, dirty, smelly and scary.

The expensively dressed high finance wizard and the smelly protesting hippy.

Show me someone who doesn't have code smelly habits and I'll show you a book author or a pedantic blogger -- not a production coder.

When watching Notch code I noticed a lot of code smelly habits, relying on inheritance over composition is one example.

A polite lady candidly told me that I clearly hadn't proof read my CV because in the third paragraph it read 'I am a smelly ****' randomly in the text.

You smell a little bit, whether because you just finished a smelly job or because you're living on the streets or because you're depressed and haven't bothered to clean up in a day.

I can recall many instances of "the smelly kid" throughout my life - people who appeared to be totally oblivious to the fact that they stank, and very rarely did people around them ever mention it - to their face.

Providing more flexibility or functionality than absolutely necessary should really be considered and called out as defective, smelly and a bad practice.

Standing water is treated like something awful, and while it can get a bit smelly and obnoxious, that's because standing water is an interesting host for lots of life, and besides mosquitoes that life is mostly fine.

Smelly definitions


offensively malodorous; "a foul odor"; "the kitchen smelled really funky"

See also: fetid foetid foul foul-smelling funky noisome stinking ill-scented