Sluggishness in a sentence as a noun

GPU seems to be doing its job - no sluggishness.

I don't use MacVim and have very few issues with sluggishness.

Bloat and sluggishness have two cures: measurement and big-O.

You're right, but most people will not notice Chrome's sluggishness because Google has worked very hard to ensure Chrome feels fast.

It's annoying because the sluggishness is still evident on Android.

I haven't noticed as many Mobile Me/iTools-era sluggishness or flakiness since at least a couple years ago.

The fact that this sluggishness is not present in Visual Basic programs implies this is the library, not the programmers or the language.

If you have a first-gen i5, or even a Core 2 Duo, your CPU is plenty fast to complete 99% of computer tasks out there without feeling any sluggishness.

I can't wait to clean that **** out of my elderly relatives computers when they complain of sluggishness, crashes, and intrusive ads, like the good old days.

The perceived sluggishness of Android was down to how the system was architected, especially around the way the UI thread was prioritised.

Not like IE which was/is stagnant because of big company sluggishness/exceptionalism, but because its open source trying to do a huge amount with limited resources.

I've had desktop computers choke on a lot of arcade games for lack of CPU resources so I can't imagine this plays many games without lag especially since he mentions sluggishness right in the article.

Sluggishness definitions


a state of comatose torpor (as found in sleeping sickness)

See also: lethargy lassitude


the pace of things that move relatively slowly; "the sluggishness of the economy"; "the sluggishness of the compass in the Arctic cold"


inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy; "the general appearance of sluggishness alarmed his friends"

See also: languor lethargy phlegm flatness