Sleeplessness in a sentence as a noun

I've had horrible sleeplessness all my adult life.

I've been using that one for years now and I haven't had any problems with eye strain or sleeplessness.

This is just personal experience, but I have a hunch that a lot of sleeplessness is also caused by weird schedules.

Do you find that as you increase caffeine consumption from a previous night's sleeplessness that it causes poor sleep the following night?

Then you get stuck in the caffeine-sleeplessness-caffeine feedback loop.

It works for non-anxiety sleeplessness as well, I was just mentioning the cause of my insomnia was anxiety.

My daughter started sleeping though the night pretty early, too, but the first few months were weird and hallucinatory in their sleeplessness.

Isn't there a pretty sizable body of research at this point suggesting that sleeplessness leads to cognitive deficits?

What's interesting though is that the drug doesn't seem to have too many bad side effects based on the article - reduced appetite & sleeplessness are what many people can live with.

It will allow you to be /more/ of who you are - without the anxiety, without the sleeplessness, without the morbid thoughts, without the intrusive thoughts, without the feelings of guilt.

"Now, instead of measuring my sleeplessness by the hour or by the sleep cycle, I started measuring by multiples of fourteen: "Okay, it's only been 28 minutes since I got in bed.

At Big Health, we're building a digital medicine platform that uses clinically proven techniques to help our users deal with the problems of worry and sleeplessness.

I've read hundreds of articles that mistake correlation with causation, but never one so brazen as to straight up interchange the words:"[Commuting] correlates with an increased risk of obesity, divorce, neck pain, stress, worry, and sleeplessness.

Sleeplessness definitions


a temporary state in which you are unable (or unwilling) to sleep; "accept your wakefulness and sleep in its own contrary way is more likely to come"

See also: wakefulness