Sleeper in a sentence as a noun

I've taken this route a couple of times - the Caledonian sleeper.

Right, the headline is misleading, at least to me. Sleeping on someone's couch usually means said sleeper is having a rough time and needs a roof over their head.

We've had 4 years of people running around claiming that Obama wasn't born in the US and that he's a secret Muslim sleeper agent based on him being black.

You could be an NSA sleeper agent, using HN to launch false-flag propaganda operations.

A "first class" sleeper cabin is about $10 from Bulawayo to Victoria Falls, and it's beautiful.

Personally, I look forward to self-driving sleeper cars and a new type of motel that is little more than a secure parking lot plus some nice bathrooms.

Chinese sleepers were probably the best - both luxurious and cheap, particularly in the northwest there is gorgeous desert and canyons out the window.

You could be an NSA sleeper-sleeper agent, using HN to launch false-false-flag propaganda operations.

And sometimes that means accepting that a 72 year old photographing a made-to-be-photographed statue isn't leading a sleeper cell.

If Netflix started bringing other titles that were cancelled too soon like Firefly, Deadwood, etc with the budget of HBO and the postsight of watching the net for sleeper hits that were cancelled, you can count me in.

> Not every sleeper is the same, of course: Dinges has found that some people who need eight hours will immediately feel the wallop of one four-hour night, while other eight-hour sleepers can handle several four-hour nights before their performance deteriorates.

Sleeper definitions


a rester who is sleeping

See also: slumberer


a spy or saboteur or terrorist planted in an enemy country who lives there as a law-abiding citizen until activated by a prearranged signal


an unexpected achiever of success; "the winner was a true sleeper--no one expected him to get it"


one of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway track; "the British call a railroad tie a sleeper"

See also: crosstie


a passenger car that has berths for sleeping

See also: wagon-lit


pajamas with feet; worn by children


a piece of furniture that can be opened up into a bed


tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water


an unexpected hit; "that movie was the sleeper of the summer"