Skid in a sentence as a noun

He managed to kick my back tire, and I skid to a halt and dismount.

If the suction fan malfunctioned, all downforce would be lost and the car would skid off the track.

Or is the wheel fixed compatible such that you're fine with people skid/skip stopping?

We have cars that can detect when the brakes are locking and fix it, so that you never go into a skid.

Skid in a sentence as a verb

But then I saw the skid-marks leading across the verge from the road, and I realised this was a bit more serious.

There's a link to the SR-71 manual, where I found this gem, in the takeoff section:"The tires may skid with the brakes on at high engine thrust.

Two weeks later and they have a wifi controlled skid-steer robot prototype running using the Rasp.

There is a tight tolerance to maintain between the "air skid" and the wall of the tube, but the air skid is mounted on a suspension system that is probably intended to deal with small variations away from the ideal tube shape.

Skid definitions


one of a pair of planks used to make a track for rolling or sliding objects


a restraint provided when the brake linings are moved hydraulically against the brake drum to retard the wheel's rotation

See also: shoe


an unexpected slide

See also: slip sideslip


slide without control; "the car skidded in the curve on the wet road"


elevate onto skids


apply a brake or skid to


move obliquely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner; "the wheels skidded against the sidewalk"

See also: slip slue slew slide