Sinfulness in a sentence as a noun

To them, willfulness was sinfulness, to be drilled or beaten out of children, not encouraged."...

3. Our country desperately needs a mighty leader who will do what has to be done to destroy the radical new ways and sinfulness that are ruining us.

One further effect of focusing excessively on one's sinfulness, rather than on the love of God, is that quitting sin is much harder.

Why is the manager talking about religion and sinfulness of certain private preferences at work?

All the words attributed to Jesus about the sinfulness of homosexuality: ""

If you take the doctrine of human sinfulness as a hypothesis, and read the news for a month, you could reasonably regard it as empirically proven...

To make sincerity the final judge of sinfulness was to bypass the essential duty of informing one's self adequately, of seeking truth and taking responsibility for error.

Such objective sinfulness is inherent in all superstitious practices from idolatry down to the vainest of vain observances, of course in very different degrees of gravity.

Sinfulness definitions


estrangement from god

See also: wickedness