Similarly in a sentence as an adverb

It's priced to make Apple the margins they want while still inviting comparisons with less expensive and similarly sized tablets. It's going to suck the oxygen out of the $300-$500 price range for anything with a screen.

Your designer co-founder will have, similarly, no shortage of offers. Like tptacek says below, this will not meaningfully hurt your chances of creating a business later.

Plaintiffs assertion of a fundamental right to their own bodily and physical health, which includes what foods they do and do not choose to consume for themselves and their families is similarly unavailing because plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish. In addition, courts have consistently refused to extrapolate a generalized right to bodily and physical health from the Supreme Courts narrow substantive due process precedents regarding abortion, intimate relations, and the refusal of lifesaving medical treatment.

Similarly definitions


in like or similar manner; "He was similarly affected"; "some people have little power to do good, and have likewise little strength to resist evil"- Samuel Johnson

See also: likewise