10 example sentences using signature.
Signature used in a sentence
Signature in a sentence as a noun
Removing the key signature is one of them.
Then later someone pointed out to me that it was appearing in various signature lines which I suppose led to its being spread.
People, don't under-estimate the issue of signature limits!
Our type signature reads: f :: Num a => a -> a\n f x = x * 2\n\nSo everything between the :: and the => is typeclass specifications.
Either this reporter receives an order-of-magnitude more e-mails than Bill does or people have 1MB pictures in their signature blocks or something.
RSA signature verification is a little like RSA encryption "inverted", and the element being encrypted is a hash of the content being signed.
Here's something that was intended as constructive criticism, but maybe ended up more as just criticism:Removing the key signature is not a good idea.
Antivirus vendors basically ignore you unless enough of your customers complain to get their signature database updated.
Still, examiners are human --- and a lot of them aren't experienced enough to have signature authority: their actions must be signed by their supervisors, who have to oversee multiple junior examiners.
For now, just think of the type signature as arg1Type -> arg2Type -> ... -> argNType -> ResultType\n\nSo for our function `f` of type f :: a -> a\n\nThat means "The function f takes some argument of type `a`, and returns a value of the same type `a`"Now let's consider a more complex function.
Signature definitions
your name written in your own handwriting
a distinguishing style; "this room needs a woman's touch"
See also: touch
a melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio/tv program
the sharps or flats that follow the clef and indicate the key
a sheet with several pages printed on it; it folds to page size and is bound with other signatures to form a book