Shuttle in a sentence as a noun

I spent 6 years as a structural engineer on space shuttle flights.

"We're talking about people who demonize shuttle buses here.

"Remember, this article is from 1980, before the shuttle launched.

Early in shuttle development, the expected launch rate was about 12 per year.

Hmm how about space shuttle tile installation specialist?

Shuttle in a sentence as a verb

"I told him I could take the shuttle home, as Ive gotten on without my badge numerous times, but he insisted on driving me to the CalTrain station."Really?

Can you imagine how long we'd be running expensive useless shuttle missions if it was decided by popular opinion?

They don't have to shuttle their employees in to work, could save a whole lot of money by not renting/buying buses, but they do and it does nothing but positive things for the employees, the city, and the environment.

We found that, if you work as many commenters understand Uber working -- namely, as a network that has pre-arranged agreements with drivers or livery services to shuttle rides in their spare time -- you're in a sufficiently comfortable area not to get shut down.

Many newer suburbs are being built with walkability in mind, usually with a small commercial core with groceries, a coffee shop, laundry and a few restaurants, many have mass transit shuttle stops and commuter lots nearby and with telecommuting becoming more common, there's less of a need to make the daily drive.

Shuttle definitions


badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers

See also: shuttlecock bird birdie


public transport that consists of a bus or train or airplane that plies back and forth between two points


bobbin that passes the weft thread between the warp threads


travel back and forth between two points