Shunning in a sentence as a noun

Bigotry is best dealt with by education, not by shunning.

Ryan feels excluded, but I genuinely doubt that people are shunning him because he doesn't have a beer in his hand.

I have no qualms shunning ugly behaviors no matter how "successful" they are.

I don't believe anyone is shunning companies doing 8 figure revenues.

Haskell does this somewhat nicely by shunning the built-in String type and having ByteString and Text types.

The idea that graduates are shunning this sort of work in order to pursue big paychecks to pay off their law school debt is totally detached from reality.

The mistake, if it turns out to be one, was not in shunning capital markets, but rather, building a business that required capital on a scale that only the capital market could provide.

And even if it's not officially required, is there any sort of peer-pressure thing / shunning of people who don't participate?IF it's optional and truly treated that way, it sounds like a great idea to me.

" Because the use seems to include its own punishment, the social shunning doesn't have to be as strong, and individuals can make the decision "that path is not for me" without resorting to moralizing absolutes.

The Torque Engine was just released with a permissive free license, which is good, but it will probably take a really good engine being released as GPL to get people to really start embracing the development of games in a community-driven way, rather than being stuck in the ivory tower like most games are now. There really isn't any other meaningful way for us to oppose these abusive "app stores" rather than shunning them so that we can turn to more community-driven efforts.

Shunning definitions


deliberately avoiding; keeping away from or preventing from happening

See also: avoidance dodging