Showman in a sentence as a noun

Yes, he is a showman and yes people make fun of him.

That guy was a great presenter and a showman.

In the book he comes off as an overly confident showman.

Just don't forget that he's a showman, and explication is part of his act.

Just like a good showman would, Linode will be saving their RAM announcement for last.

I can't make a living from that unless I also become a showman or sell some kind of other ****?

The best kind of non-coding cofounder is a brilliant showman.

Most biographies of Feynman are really hagiographies of Feynman, who was no doubt a great showman.

I can't make a living from that unless I also become a showman or sell some kind of other ****?Welcome to the creative industry.

Just like SJ was just a great "showman".This is not at all what I said, and if that's the impression I gave you, then I'm sorry for not having been clear enough.

I can't make a living from that unless I also become a showman or sell some kind of other ****?If the only alternative is to destroy the free Internet and our computing freedom, then yes. I'm sorry.

Freddie was quite happy to get money to be a showman, and would probably laugh at modern "indie" sensibilities like you wouldn't believe.

I found this paragraph to be insightful: "When Jobs took the stage to unveil something, people got excited not just because he was a great showman but because it instilled an underlying belief that what he was going to unveil would be great.

Showman definitions


a person skilled at making effective presentations


a sponsor who books and stages public entertainments

See also: promoter impresario