Shame in a sentence as a noun

Because I'm neither ashamed or afraid for people to know.

It's a shame he took so long to post it; it should have been the first SendGrid comment this morning.

This is the real shame in the Oculus acquisition.

There are many, many software developers with great jobs that work 9-5 and go home to their families or non-technical hobbies, and there's absolutely no shame in that.

Shame in a sentence as a verb

The defenders of Gitmo in this era will be remembered by our descendants with the same shame and disgust we feel when remembering the slave holders and segregationists of the previous eras.

Far from being angry, I think that the majority of people reading here on HN actually appreciate this type of critical analysis, and I think that it is a shame that it had to be posted on a throwaway account.

A somewhat related note is that America's culture of sex-negativity, shame and general hysteria around nudity is a required prerequisite for this type of bullying and abuse.

If they feel bad for the environment they chose to work in and the work they chose to do, maybe they should look in the mirror and ask if they ought to reconsider their choices and do something that doesn't draw shame and contempt from the rest of the world while undermining their county's interests.

Shame definitions


a painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guilt


a state of dishonor; "one mistake brought shame to all his family"; "suffered the ignominy of being sent to prison"

See also: disgrace ignominy


an unfortunate development; "it's a pity he couldn't do it"

See also: pity


bring shame or dishonor upon; "he dishonored his family by committing a serious crime"

See also: dishonor disgrace dishonour attaint


compel through a sense of shame; "She shamed him into making amends"


cause to be ashamed


surpass or beat by a wide margin