Serrate in a sentence as a verb

> You cut bread with a non-serrated knife?

"So you think a somewhat dull serrated edge could not be used as a weapon?

> Are the leaves serrated?You can put this with nice image/grapics of serrated/non-serrated leaves.

Pre-9/11, my dad forgot a large serrated bread knife in his backpack when entering the French Parliament building.

I can't help but think that the reason some of those holes have serrated edges is due to the problems representing the actual numbers with floats.

Serrate in a sentence as an adjective

Unless you've upgraded your typical run-of-the-mill deadbolt to one with mushroom, spool, or serrated pins [2] it will take roughly the same effort.

Still serviceable though, I mean, you can hit nails with the middle of the head holding it sideways.> You pull out the pliers, but they dont have those serrated surfaces; its flat and smooth.

Well, in botany is more a question of: "are the leaves entire, serrulate, serrate, double serrate, dentate, crenulate, crenate, toothed, spiny or undulated?".

But I deeply care about ethics, human life and I honestly believe that body should be allowed to live and as a clear signal to my commitment to human rights, I will immediately retreat my serrated blade from their chest.

Serrate definitions


make saw-toothed or jag the edge of; "serrate the edges of the teeth"


notched like a saw with teeth pointing toward the apex

See also: serrated saw-toothed toothed notched