Serology in a sentence as a noun

Doc thinks pcr test was too late and serology test was false negative.

Are these players that had a positive on a serology test or were they PCR confirmed cases?

Quack Lyme disease serology labs that always give positive results.

Every single serology study implies a IFR of well under one percent.

Recently there came out huge serology study from Spain and according to it retail workers didn't have higher covid rates.

I was hoping for an actual serology study showing that Vietnamese have more exposures to other coronaviruses than people in other countries, like you stated.

Either R0 is much lower than initially calculated, or effective immunity level is higher than serology tests have shown.

We don't have accurate data on case numbers, because testing capacity has varied with time and between countries, and the precise specificity and sensitivity of the PCR and serology tests, in the real world, are not known.

Serology definitions


the branch of medical science that deals with serums; especially with blood serums and disease