Sentimentality in a sentence as a noun

Sometimes a parent's sentimentality and love for their child blinds them to all else.

And that isn't sentimentality talking, I can't think of anything.

Sure the founder might feel loyal to some of the employees, but his/her job is to allocate resources to pick the best talent, not to wallow in sentimentality.

It's not intended for political demagoguery or sentimentality, which is what 99% of stories about 9/11 are going to be.

Factors such as sentimentality, preference, and anything else not about screwing over the next guy as much as possible never come into play.

Clearly, lazy sentimentality isn't good for recognizing the real suffering and injustice being experienced in this world.

For a guy with $10 a month in his pocket and the ability to put pragmatism ahead of sentimentality, streaming music services actually do make a lot of sense.

It's wider-spanning, less dismissive, and a perspective that is informed by tech, hardcore gaming, and gamers' Nintendo sentimentality.

I've got your ticket man and you seem to be in good company with the majority of HN, I mean who would have guessed that the money hungry posers on this site would be into empty sentimentality?

So when a better replacement comes along, that kind of attachment to a language is only going to delay our adoption of it because of basically nothing but sentimentality.

Regardless, in worldly matters I prefer a rational approach to knee jerk sentimentality and sensationalism..

That is, I doubt anyone here can claim they never used someone, or calculated more coldly than they let on, or looked down on sentimentality when they didn't feel sentimental about a particular thing.

We have the ability to be more detached, even from our own circumstances, and report our experiences without the mysticism and sentimentality.

> "This environment gave artists few choices: sentimentality, nihilism, or irony.

I distinctly wanted to avoid having to go the route of finding a stock image of a bald chemotherapy patient or teary mother because I feel like it's manufacturing sentimentality.

>"The financial calculator is headed the way of the >wristwatch: a no-longer necessary device that users >carry because of sentimentality, vanity or an >unwillingness to change,"I disagree with the wristwatch comparison.

Being more conscientious as a community about encouraging intellectually stimulating discussion and discouraging demagoguery and sentimentality is something worth talking about.

As a heavy reader the benefits are enormous:My kindle weighs less than a pound making reading large books a snap\nI haven't purchased a paper book since I got the kindle and I'm always pairing down my collection, yet still moving my paper books to a new apartment is an incredibly heavy task\nA few people have pointed out that "eReaders can hold thousands of books" is silly, until your on a vacation and you finish your current bookI guess I lack the sentimentality of proudly displaying a full bookshelf of my "trophies" with their creased spines.

Sentimentality definitions


falsely emotional in a maudlin way

See also: mawkishness drippiness mushiness soupiness sloppiness


extravagant or affected feeling or emotion