Sensitizing in a sentence as a noun

And yes, it can be sun-sensitizing, like many meds.

So you don’t need complicated sensitizing dyes or anything of that sort.

True, the process of making soldiers involves a lot of de-sensitizing these instincts.

Just putting it in even with an immune sensitizing agent would add another prion that it can't do anything useful about.

I wonder how much jumping to that accusation helps in this kind of discussion, even though I'm all for sensitizing law enforcement on these topics.

Some pesticide residue could be a sensitizing trigger turning immune system into overdrive.

Sensitizing in a sentence as an adjective

To the contrary, palmitoleic acid is often shown to have protective, insulin sensitizing effects.

Initial treatments focus on insulin sensitizing agents to try and assist the natural insulin to be effective.

Given a description of a state space, create stimulus that covers it, sensitizing all the logic paths in a way that produces an observable result that differs from expectations.

The brain responds by "sensitizing", changing acetylcholine more dramatically in response to stimuli, and increasing the density of nACh receptors.

I also wonder to what extent our general responses to possible diffuse future threats, are today watered down as a result of the media continually bombarding us with such, and thus de-sensitizing us?

"I have this same issue but with severe chronic pain that impacts my executive function greatly, worsened by physical activity further sensitizing my nervous system - so I depend on low activity routine to not make life even more intolerable for 2-3+ days it takes to recover to getting clear thought and mental function again - to be able to orient myself again; it doesn't make a difference if I do share it though either, even though there are still options I could try to reduce the pain - it's been difficult to find a doctor who's actually willing to work with me and so much time between appointments when exploring new potential avenues.

Sensitizing definitions


rendering an organism sensitive to a serum by a series of injections

See also: sensitising sensitization sensitisation


making susceptible or sensitive to either physical or emotional stimuli

See also: sensitising