Sensate in a sentence as an adjective

Then you get to the bare sensate levels, and you Note each of the things that come up.

There's a general consensus that mice are sensate and can experience in some form basic emotions and learning behaviors.

Given that the technology is pretty close to possible, I think that treating sensate creatures as meat factories has lost it defensibility.

2500 years ago, people knew that meditating for 1-2 hours a day leads to dramatic, permanent, and wildly transformative changes to your perceptions of reality and your relationship with the sensate world.

When Neuralink or whatever technologies converge to directly project experiences mind-to-mind, people will not be broadcasting selfies...they will be broadcasting self, as in their current, total sensate experience.

Hmm, yet people overwhelmingly agree that slavery is nothing to be proud of, and somehow I'm sure you'd never play the "difference of opinion" card in defence of slavery...Anyway, I'm proud of myself because I know that when I go to buy food, clothes, and much more, I purposefully choose products which do not require that, behind closed doors, untold numbers of feeling, sensate creatures are, among other things, purposefully genetically manipulated to live lives of sickness and deformity, housed in miserable concentration camp-like conditions, and slaughtered barbarically.

Sensate definitions


having physical sensation; "sensate creatures"