Semen in a sentence as a noun

Also, Daesh is a homophone with a french slang word for semen.

The suspect's semen was found in the ****** victim.

Well what may doom them is that their concoction looks like human snot, or even semen.

A man's semen could get on a prostitute's shawl because he raped and murdered her.

Natch, you are right this fabric can obviously NOT get human skin flakes, semen, lube etc off of your sheets.

Yeah, but with the father the semen would hopefully not be more than the third or fourth thing tested, if you kept testing.

What's next for the smoothie that Gawker said "looks just like semen"?The color is a bit problematic in that respect.

> In general, men produce upward of 60 million sperm per milliliter of semen.

Then at the end of the period just examine the ratio of sperm cells with X and Y chromosome in the males' semen.

Finding a piece of clothing with semen stains on a prostitute isn't exactly surprising, after all.

I can dump a gallon of your blood and semen onto a dead guy in an alley, but how would the government trace that blood and semen back to you?

For those jumping straight to the comments: It's an allergic reaction to semen of a nut eater, not Sexually Transmitted Allergies.

\nNow, does the process of getting bull's semen also count as sexual abuseā€¦\nI actually think that the notion of "consent" is stupid when tried to apply to animals.

When I was a kid these firewalls would also block websites that had the word "vagina," "penis," "breasts," "semen," "nipples," and so forth appear enough times -- like, say, a medical website.

The majority of wireless radiation/semen quality studies show oxidative stress as the mechanism behind the observed DNA damage.

In contrast, the nearby Kaluli maintain that male initiation is only properly done by ritually delivering the semen through the initiates ****, not his mouth.

This paper, incidentally, has the greatest opening paragraph of all time:"In the tropical forests of New Guinea the Etoro believe that for a boy to achieve manhood he must ingest the semen of his elders.

The Brony meme has a set of insults that reference the **** rape: "Im sur thers sumpony who can help fill ur *** with semen laced hrut".The percentage of cases in which a person is referencing "butthurt" to indicate a spanking is vanishingly small.

Sexual penetration Sexual intercourse, cunnilingus, fellatio, **** intercourse, or any other intrusion, however slight, of any part of a person's body or of any object into the genital or **** openings of the victim's, defendant's, or any other person's body; emission of semen is not required.

Semen definitions


the thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract

See also: seed ejaculate come