Sell in a sentence as a noun

- When you need to sell, you'll want to code.

- When you need to code, you'll want to sell.

It's easy to sit on the sidelines and say "Go for the IPO, don't sell, selling is a failure".

"We sell internet access and everyone is now using so much more internet!

What matters is, is there a market for what you're selling, and will it clear based on the model you use to price stuff on the market.

I don't relish the idea of building a company and then selling it... but life is more complicated than that.

There's a vast chasm between selling virtual sheep to addicted grandmas and giving away the farm for less than the price of a toilet roll.

Sell in a sentence as a verb

Otherwise, B&N wouldn't be able to place a "20% off" sticker on bestselling titles, or offer large discounts to move remaindered stock.

That means that gmaes need to sell at least 10% more units than current games are doing, and eren that will only guarantee the losses of tens of millions we're seeing now.

They seem to be trying to sell him on a rotten deal because they think it's just such a privilege to work on their golden idea that they don't need to compensate properly.

[+] Owing more to disorganization and incompetence than malice, many debt collection companies will in fact sell debts which they're not longer legally entitled to.

Clearly it is not a cost-based market like gypsum, or there would not exist sites selling photos with royalties attached, or photos costing hundreds of dollars --- which clearly those sites do exist.

Much of the "distraction" that founders face in raising money exists precisely because a typical equity round can be a complex process and, apart from needing to sell the economic proposition behind their venture, founders must also make sure that any funds they do take in are taken on reasonable terms.

Sell definitions


the activity of persuading someone to buy; "it was a hard sell"


exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent; "He sold his house in January"; "She sells her body to survive and support her drug habit"


be sold at a certain price or in a certain way; "These books sell like hot cakes"


persuade somebody to accept something; "The French try to sell us their image as great lovers"


do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood; "She deals in gold"; "The brothers sell shoes"

See also: deal trade


give up for a price or reward; "She sold her principles for a successful career"


be approved of or gain acceptance; "The new idea sold well in certain circles"


be responsible for the sale of; "All her publicity sold the products"


deliver to an enemy by treachery; "Judas sold Jesus"; "The spy betrayed his country"

See also: betray