Self-doubt in a sentence as a noun

If they don't come away with a new smidgeon of self-doubt, slowly back away: he/she isn't worth working alongside.

And, being young and inexperienced and without much power, this caused both some significant self-doubt and great frustration. I can't make up what I lost.

I can understand going through two and half years of no money, pain and self-doubt if you were working on something world-changing. But just another bloody coupon site...

> The way Lancelot motivates himself to get past self-doubt in combat is not to care whether he lives or dies. As Ariely says: Lancelot fights better than anyone else because he found a way to bring the stress of the situation to zero.

Every ounce of self-doubt I have, I worry is the beginning manifestation of Schizophrenia in my own mind. It's not a good place to be - that worry that every time you "hear voices", it's some sort of announcement about your own mental state?

Adults often let self-doubt, fear of embarrassment or fear of "what might happen" get in the way such that they won't allow themselves to learn. So perhaps what universities should do is separate students who already know how to program from those that don't.

Just to get meta about publishing in the 2010s, the article is a smorgasbord of irritainment, pseudo-psychology and self-doubt. Certainly not the kind of thing most men would find useful, valuable or insightful.

The reason is simple: in male-dominated fields men receive praise and validation much more easily than women do, which can help them overcome their feelings of self-doubt. For women the situation is quite different It sounds as though you suggesting that these claims are factual, is that the case?

There are days when it's hard to find the strength to get out of bed, when you'll be filled with self-doubt, when you'll wonder if dropping out was the right decision. Hacking on your own for four years and building a portfolio, instead of attending school, might sound great on paper, but without your peers to support and motivate you, it's very hard.

I've only recently been diagnosed with depression, and one of the reasons I went in to see a doctor about it is because of the self-doubt. Right now at work, I've been told to convert an existing synchronous system into an asynchronous workflow engine, and I don't know two ***** about workflow engines.

But it's also pretty terrible that anyone expressing the slightest bit of self-doubt or unhappiness is publicly torn to ribbons, or at best mightily condescended to. So normatively, people must talk nothing but fake, egoistic nonsense like "crushing it" no matter where their head is really at.

It takes a lot of self-directed effort to get in, and stay in a mindset of possibility, while not getting washed away in the self-doubt of others, or the blindness of your own. Becoming and staying self-directed and relentless is a challenge, focussed on the right things even more, everything in life will want you to fit in if you let it.

I went through a short period of disenchantment and self-doubt, until I started looking at where the business had started and how far it had already come in just a couple of years. I took a second look at things like advertising and realized that, despite throwing a lot of money into marketing and the like, word-of-mouth had continued to be the number one source of new customers by far.

I enjoyed the freedom of the year, but the guilt and self-doubt was getting to be exhausting. It shook my confidence a bit, but I think my optimism towards life in general helped shore-up that weakness a bit and kept me facing mostly forward instead of giving up and falling down on the ground for a good cry or turning sideways and taking up another position somewhere just to stop the self-loathing.

Being constantly bombarded with that, having all of your beliefs constantly scrutinised from every angle inevitably manifests itself as incapacitating self-doubt that's very difficult to overcome sometimes. Sometimes the only way to cope with this is to temporarily suspend this constant questioning of everything you believe in.

Self-doubt definitions


lack of self-confidence

See also: diffidence self-distrust