Self-assurance in a sentence as a noun

It's like hearing my parents talk about computers, but with 10x more self-assurance.

Having the self-assurance to exhibit low-power behavior when they feel like it.

What a great approach to disagreement, and how fruitful!It's a mindset that shows tremendous respect for others, yet tremendous self-assurance.

Is this some sort of communal self-assurance humble-brag about being accepting of "religious software"?

Stripped of the smug self-assurance of "it can't happen to \n me" s/he learns to perceive the environment with clarity, to give attention \n to the rhythms and pulses of the world.

I think it's time to seriously reconsider the decision instead of the occasional self-assurance everything is fine as is.

What's odd is someone dusting off the irony-is-killing-us essay template again after a decade of stridency and self-assurance.

But this one illustrated the combination of "used to being right" self-assurance, with utter cultural ignorance that should disqualify one from offering opinions.

"The traits that both men and women associate with good negotiators are tied up with ideas of masculinity — such as rationality, assertiveness and self-assurance"Maybe those qualities are also helpful in a job itself, if not in general?

If all 15 year olds were possessed of the monumental maturity, courage, and self-assurance necessary to exist in a world they cannot escape that treats them with contempt and hatred 5 days a week and merely let it roll off like water off a duck's back the world would be a very, very different place.

Self-assurance definitions


freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities; "his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular"; "after that failure he lost his confidence"; "she spoke with authority"

See also: assurance confidence self-confidence authority sureness