Self-abasement in a sentence as a noun

I hate the phrase 'jumping the shark', but Gizmodo is doing it. That week-long listening special was the most naked display of commercial self-abasement I've seen in a while.

Yeah, that is just pandering to a crowd that loves this trendy self-abasement nonsense, like white guilt, which is just another version of original sin.

Who could have guessed that identifying and singling out a particular race for correction and self-abasement would entail some push-back?

"We are reviewing our notification procedures" is not the level of self-abasement I would expect after a mistake this serious.

Besides self-abasement, victims were made to show their sincerity by persecuting others, sometimes friends or relatives.

> misunderstand the term in such spectacular waysWho could have guessed that identifying and singling out a particular race for correction and self-abasement would entail some push-back?

Current social norms require a degree of self-abasement before it's socially acceptable for certain types of people to offer an opinion on certain cultural topics.

Self-abasement definitions


voluntary self-punishment in order to atone for some wrongdoing

See also: penance self-mortification