Securely in a sentence as an adverb

The problem is much worse than this contrived 'I cant download PuTTY securely'.

If you have the proper lego blocks, you should be able to put together things like PGP securely.

The energy can only be released by reversing the chemical reaction, so it is securely stored.

The old-school financial industry goes to extreme lengths in order to protect the money it's in charge of. Physical money is stored securely and guarded.

I added the text "Payments processed securely" and a generic padlock icon near the credit card info part of the purchase form.

They are our core services, and provide our users with the some of tools necessary to communicate securely and privately.

Data integrity: only by serving securely can you guarantee that someone is not altering how your content is received by your users.

Users within the French administration lost their ability to securely communicate with Google and who knows what other sites.

[1] Many network-connected printers simply assume that the local network they connect to will be securely protected from external threats, so they're not configured to withstand even the simplest of attacks.

A physical token which securely establishes a pseudonymous identity on a network is quite ingenious and facilitates all sorts of really elegant HCI.

Securely definitions


in a secure manner; in a manner free from danger; "she held the child securely"

See also: firmly


in a confident and unselfconscious manner; "he acts very securely in front of the camera"


in a manner free from fear or risk; "the outcome of expansion in the sixties and seventies will be an academic hierarchy securely supported by scholastic selection"


in an invulnerable manner; "the agreed line was to involve at several points the withdrawal of French troops from positions which they had quite securely held"