Scrip in a sentence as a noun

The solution there was not to redistribute the scrip but to print more.

Finally woke up and my whole arm was burning, so I drove down to the pharmacy and had the scrip filled within the hour.

All we need is the return of company scrip, which low-margin retailers are trying their damnedest to bring back.

And which has a value today - it can be considered scrip that is accepted by army PXs, post offices and the like for goods and services in kind.

Eventually, of course, the co-op issued too much scrip, leading to different problems ..."< course, these different problems are just ignored.

If they are not currency -- if they are more like scrip, or rations, or promissory notes good for X units of energy, or what have you -- then this creates a serious problem for Quark.

Ankara, Istanbul, and many other Turkish cities are full of monuments covered in arabic scrip proclaiming the awesomeness of various Sultan's.

This is not intended as a disparaging remark to the authors, but in the 30 seconds I spent reviewing each of these code bases, I was totally unimpressed: none of them seemed to follow PEP8, and several of their test files weren't even unit tests, they were just a random scrip that appeared to exercise a tiny part of the codebase.

Mobile is not a single view / Market / technologyThe post sort of implies smartphone == mobile, but with African mobiles being used to transfer scrip, Indian phones already having good SMS based payment models, there are multiple models, markets and a lot of cultural sensitivitiesThe one preditiom I can make is there will be no more global phenomenon - one website taking off everywhere.

Scrip definitions


a certificate whose value is recognized by the payer and payee; scrip is not currency but may be convertible into currency