Screwball in a sentence as a noun

Or you have a choice between a bunch of offerings with the exact same screwball terms.

We need to make sure we don't get locked-in by screwball APIs or data formats.

It's always a pleasure to see a screwball actor flourish on being cast outside type.

Is there even some remote screwball application for having to have one machine handle 1,000,000 requests?

In any normal population of sufficient size you're going to have some screwball outliers.

That's not evidence of anything, it's just an outline of someone's screwball opinion.

Screwball in a sentence as an adjective

Dealing with screwball windings with no ready way to discern their orientation make this one thing a piece of feedback manna.

The first type will also like stupid screwball Adam Sandler comedies, while the second type will go for more indie, artistic fare.

And in any situation of sufficient gravity and chaos everyone becomes a screwball outlier.

Unless you really need some screwball exotic feature set that Cisco offers you can find feature/performance parity easily.

If the law was computer software, at this point it would be a giant unmanageable screwball of spaghetti code that would crash daily and would require patches 3 times a week.

So in the Eighth Tournament, someone came up with the screwball idea that maybe they shouldn't bother even fighting at all unless they came under attack from their enemy.

Screwball definitions


a whimsically eccentric person

See also: crackpot crank fruitcake


a pitch with reverse spin that curves toward the side of the plate from which it was thrown


foolish; totally unsound; "a crazy scheme"; "half-baked ideas"; "a screwball proposal without a prayer of working"

See also: crazy half-baked softheaded