Scouring in a sentence as a noun

Its easier and more fun that scouring the code base for something that looks like it.

Then they'll spend decades scouring the country-side looking for the rest!

They have drones scouring the globe for vans filled with people they can drop bombs on if they think they may associate with "bad" people.

But that pattern of scouring will point towards the factors which do move the mass of consumers some time later.

What the ****!After scouring the internet I found a huge list of Olympics streaming broadcasters.

Rather than scouring a country looking for fire fights, we more often try to bring medicine to remote areas.

Around 2006, the cops started scouring Myspace for shows and permanently shut down a number of popular house venues.

I've been teased and tortured with promises of Elite 4, scouring internet forums and chat rooms for any new information.

Not everybody is like us, scouring the internet all day long for new startups and clicking every interesting link that shows up on HN.

Scouring definitions


moving over territory to search for something; "scouring the entire area revealed nothing"


the act of cleaning a surface by rubbing it with a brush and soap and water

See also: scrub scrubbing