Scholastic in a sentence as a noun

85thWhat honors has he won in literary or scholastic pursuits?

Or that they have thousands of years of history where civil servitude is a scholastic meritocracy.

Or, those factoids might get you a job where one can begin to learn outside of a scholastic setting which isn't ideal for every personality.

""Most authorities feel that current intelligence tests are more aptly described as 'scholastic aptitude' tests"Hence the S, A, and T in "SAT".

The college I was attending was among the top 5 in engineering in the country, so turning my scholastic life around was pretty unlikely.

The article makes exactly the right realization: Y Combinator is heading in the direction of scholasticism.

Scholastic in a sentence as an adjective

To some eyes present experiments look like an early stage in the development of a new scholastic institution of practical business development.

You don't have to agree with Kissinger's personal or political views to acknowledge that he's an incredibly high-quality source, both from a scholastic and experiential perspective.

I mainly studied analytic philosophy which is basically western philosophy from ancient to scholastic to modern up until Hegel and then follows the Anglo/American tradition.

Looking back, the high school journalism program was the only time in high school where our scholastic writing had real consequences, and I count myself lucky to have gone to a school that valued civic education over worrying about being embarrassed by student journalists.

They wrote"Most authorities feel that current intelligence tests are more aptly described as 'scholastic aptitude' tests because they are so highly related to academic performance, although current use suggests that the term intelligence test is going to be with us for some time.

Setting aside the possibility that the delayed-marshmallow-gratification thing has been exaggerated by people wanting to downplay IQ, and taking it at face value: the fact that IQ is not the single most important predictor of scholastic and/or life success does not make it unimportant.

Scholastic definitions


a person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit

See also: pedant bookworm


a Scholastic philosopher or theologian

See also: Scholastic


of or relating to schools; "scholastic year"


of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of scholasticism; "scholastic philosophy"