Schlemiel in a sentence as a noun

The schlemiel problem still exists when doing '+=' in a loop. Each copy requires some code to walk the length of both sides of the operator, same as strlen in Joel's example.

We will achieve equality not when a female Einstein is made an assistant professor, but when a female schlemiel ears as much as a male schlemiel." Same deal with 16-year-olds.

Sometimes I'm the schlemiel, but mostly I'm the schlimazel. I'm the type of person that gets insulted out in public, for no particular reason, and no one bothers to call out the bad behavior.

In that case the risk got shifted onto anonymous buyers of securitized mortgages, and onto AIG. In the case of educational loans the risk gets shifted onto the poor schlemiel who wants to be a schoolteacher.

Maybe a "schlemiel match-up service" for mediocre-to-bad companies with exactly-equally-bad employees? Don't know.

Schlemiel definitions


(Yiddish) a dolt who is a habitual bungler

See also: shlemiel