Scape in a sentence as a noun

They will convict some front men as scape goats and the real puppet masters will get a slap on the wrist.

It's like this girl was the scape goat for this overwhelming shitstorm of lies that has grown the past few years.

He's basically a scape goat for the financial crisis.

If it gives Obama a scape-goat and lets him turn himself into the restorer, so be it.

The city-scape is generally max 6 story buildings.

In retrospect, the madness we're living through now will look a lot like the crime-ridden **** scape of New York City in the 70's, as seen from the 90's on.

For that reason I would worry more in this case that we'll try and find a scape goat and not do the deep dive than be the victim of some pesticide cover up.

Something happened in the past 10-20 years where teachers became the scape goats of the failing American education system.

If we look at the situation from outside : government got cheap ammo, and there was only one problem - it was illegal, so somebody needed to be scape goated.

The first thing I thought when I read this is that Seth's work and studies will be used as a scape goat to discredit the high cholesterol / high fat intake perspective on diet unfortunately.

Quote Examples using Scape

Much more likely we gonna be killed by diabetes, or falling from the stairs.. the propaganda is unproportional to the size of the threat.. meanwhile, other types of "predators" may scape from our sight.. not minimizing the problem.. just saying that there are bigger ones that deserve more attention\n.. and overreacting wont help, i think, anybody.. so, back to the original topic..


Scape definitions


erect leafless flower stalk growing directly from the ground as in a tulip


(architecture) upright consisting of the vertical part of a column

See also: shaft