Savoir-faire in a sentence as a noun

The kind of knowledge and savoir-faire that Jobs had is not concrete, ineffable. Engineers tend to hate that, they think it's just a bunch of ****.

This move is not about making good products or value the european savoir-faire. It is about geopolitics.

If apple can design a new super-thin futuristic tower that would optically dissapear at some moments when you walk around it I would consider their savoir-faire at least.

It says that professional conduct is identical to ruling-class savoir-faire, and its manners are too circumspect to say much else. > The panorama of the scene is a tribute to Ralph Lauren’s prophetic vision: sportswear that’s attached to the traditional garb of monied masculinity by means of it all being stitched together with an invented crest.

Savoir-faire definitions


social skill

See also: address