Satiation in a sentence as a noun

In terms of satiation, bread had poor bang for your buck.

So are additives like MSG that mess up your sense of satiation.

Thanks for the suggestionIt's not about satiation for me.

You can find the satiation relative to carbs by examining the food's glycemic index.

Fibrous vegetables tend to be the lowest calories/highest satiation foods there are.

The linked article is actually about "Semantic satiation", but the title of the HN post is "Semantic sanitation".

Personally, I don't think about satiation and satiety because hunger hasn't been a big deciding factor in my eating choices for the past 10 years.

Also plenty of people have awful dietary habits precisely because they're either hurried or bored by the process of cooking and simply aim for the easiest thing - which in our society these days trends far away from "nutritionally complete" and usually has serious problems with providing satiation.

Satiation definitions


the state of being satisfactorily full and unable to take on more

See also: repletion satiety


the act of achieving full gratification