Sassing in a sentence as a noun

There are more, and none of them are "sassing his mother".

He was sassing the author about the phrase "not now wealthy", wondering if it was supposed to be "now not wealthy", or "now wealthy".

We have a walking talking toddler... and I miss her potato days when I could cuddle her and stare into her eyes without her sassing me about not reading her book fast enough.

Paying professional wages gets you people who, when they notice there might be a conflict between what you describe and what's possible, propose the best solutions, instead of just sassing you.

It is there Windows really shows what it is made of: glue, tape, rubber bands, hastily erected scaffolding around sassing facades, heavy structures built on top of unstable foundations.

Sassing definitions


an impudent or insolent rejoinder; "don't give me any of your sass"

See also: sass backtalk mouth